Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 19 - Results

Despite the bad wintry weather, my appointment at the school was confirmed and met with 2 booster club members to discuss raising funds for their organization. The third person who was supposed to be with us didn't make it due to the weather.

Got an e-mail this morning from Camille whom I think I gave a card and told me that she is interested. I e-mailed her to set up a meeting or phone call so I can sign her up.

I will be listening to today's morning WC Reality Boot Camp conference call on the road travelling to New Jersey. I'll try to do follow up calls in between my travel and helping out a relative for a baptismal party. If I am not able to post anything else today, I will do it in my Sunday or Monday blog.

I'm sure will meet a lot of new people (and get their information) over the weekend.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 18- Catching up

I blogged late today because lots of things are going on. I will be going to New Jersey this weekend to help a cousin prepare for a baptismal party.

Since it will be a short day tomorrow, I worked longer today to get more prospects and leads. I got 8 and have a schedule meeting tomorrow for 3 people who was referred to me by the school's athletic director.

I made 15 phone calls to follow up my previous leads. Most of them are on voice mail except 3 that I was able to talk to.

Talk to David who set up a meeting next week so we can discuss his questions. The 2 others have not seen the video so I told them that I will call in 2 days.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 17 - Follow up Meetings and Follow Up Calls

Since I know this is a busy day for conference calls, I went for a meeting with the president of the Little League to finalize our fundraising for their group. However, when I arrived for the meeting, it was the other officer (VP) who will attend because David the President has an emergency meeting. Although, we cannot finalize the deal, I was able to explain to him about My Power Mall and got his information.

After the wonderful conference call this morning with Linda and Ginny, I made some follow up calls.

Had another meeting with Tony who is helping me out with the foundation mall I'm building. He gave me 2 names to call who can sign up and help us out.

Final meeting is with Jim, the owner of Mt. Tom's Ice Cream. However, the store became busy so he has to cancel,. So, I hang out in the cafe and gave my cards to some of the customers. Some gave their information but some didn't.

Had 12 more follow up phone calls in the evening and was able to talk to 2. Will call them again tomorrow because they might sign up.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 16 - Results

I started the day planning my appointments and doing follow up calls.

Talked to Russ who e-mailed me yesterday and wants more information. He will look at the site once he received my e-mail

After the morning call with Ginny, I went to survey the local businesses again for prospects. I went to eight establishments and got 4 of them to give their information.

Last destination was a meeting with the Executive Director who has not made a decision whether to sign up. While in the library, I was able to talk to a patron who gave me his information.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 15 - Cold Calls on a Cold Day

It is cold today and the day's temperature started at the single digit and was only 28F at its height for the day.

After, the morning conference call with Ginny and after my duty at MPM Customer Service Live Chat, I went out to do follow meetings. My warm market in the area is starting to shrink and I have to do cold calls in order to be able to get more contacts and their information.

I went to the Library to see if the Executive Director is in his office. This is to follow him up whether he already watched the video. However, he is not in the office today.

My next destination is Westfield High School to meet with the Athletic Director. He will introduce me to the PTA President and the booster club president. During the meeting, I explain to them how MPM can help in their fundraising. They will look at the video presentation.

There was strip mall near the school so I went cold calling to several stores. Went to the first 2 stores and did don't to give any information and just got my card. However, the next stores were interested and gave me their information. I'll get back to them after 2 days.

I only made few follow up calls but was not able to talk to anybody and just left messages.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 14- Week 2 Result

For the day, I sent follow up e-mails and made some follow up calls.

As we end week 2, I don't have any sign up yet. However, it is just a matter of time and I am not discourage. In fact week 2 has given me more courage to pursue lots of leads.

I have now a total of 41 names with complete information and about 10 more with incomplete information that is not considered on the list. I think have about 3 ready to sign up. (Library account and 2 parent supporting the school's fundraiser).

Lessons Learned from Herbert

I was reading Herbert's Blog Post yesterday and realized how we call experience evertime we go out a meet people. He is right that whatever is the result of such encounters, always Smile and say Thank You. Read more of his Blog and here is an excerpt:

"Last month I was at the super market and a lady with two young kids was leaving the store with a cart overflowing with groceries. Her cart was so full that she was using her body to keep things from falling out. I approached her and said excuse me miss My name is ___________ and I'm doing a survey for a maketing company. Can I ask you one quick question? She has not stopped walking so I'm walking beside her. Some of her groceries fall out of the cart so she stops. I pick up the packages hand it to her and say would you be interested in learning how you could have earned income for everything you just brought. How you can get paid for buying groceries. She looked at me with a smirk and said look buddy get lost. I smiled said Thank You and went on my way. I would have handed her a card but I didn't have them then. Folks she didn't hear a word I said. LOL

You see even though MY POWER MALL TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD is a business that everybody can benefit from, everybody isn't ready for it. But our business will always be ready when they are finally ready for it. And as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow sooner or later they will be ready."