Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 27 - Second Day of Snow Storm

After getting at least 6' of snow yesterday, snow continued the whole day probably adding another 6' of snow.

I have to finish my Christmas shopping so have to go to the mall. Surprisingly, being the last weekend of shopping, the mall was full. Traffic going into the mall was slow and parking was difficult. (I though we were on a recession).

Despite my objective to complete my shopping list, I haven't forgotten that this is an opportunity for my MPM business. I talk to several store managers that I went and gave my card. Most of them were busy and cannot talk to me. Some ask me to call back and come back so we can discuss this.

I tried talking to some shoppers but never got a chance to get information. Some of them got my card though.

I was not able to do follow up calls.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 26 - Snow Storm Friday

I dialed in this morning on the conference call but there was nobody there. Maybe I'll just participate in the evening if there is one.

There was a big snow storm today so I did not get out. Spend much of the day calling and sending e-mails.

I still got 3 additional names from a previous referral. I have their phone number, called them and got their e-mail address. After, giving them a brief overview of the business, I told them that I'll send them the link.

I also researched more business in my area that I can send letters and e-mails.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 25 - Another Non Profit

The highlight of my day is the prospect of another non profit that I can sign up. This non profit is called Soldier On, which help homeless veterans. I met meet the advisor of the organization and gave my card. He will look at the web site and will set up a meeting with the President next week.

I then went to Pioneer Valley High to meet with Gina, the coach. I gave her the site and explained to her how we can raise money for her team.

By luck I got my 5 contacts today. I thought I would get only 2 but when I went to my daughter's school, I met a lot of parent and was able to get 3 more.

Sent follow up e-mails and phone calls the rest of the day. Total calls -10. Most were voice mail and was able to talk to one who is not very interested but told me to call him again next week.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 24 - Whole Day to Follow Up!

This is the first day without conference call so I have 2 extra hour to follow up. We just had a bad snowstorm so schools were closed.

I was supposed to have a meeting with the Athletic Director and Principal to answer their question. Since there was no school, I have to call when we can meet again.

I sent 10 e-mails to businesses and made follow up calls in the morning. Most of them were not in their stores. However, I was able to talk to one owner of a hardware store, David, who watched the video and have questions about the business. He thinks it is an MLM. I explained to him how it is not an MLM (no selling, no product to buy).
He said he'll think about it.

I went to my daughter's school and tried to meet with some parent and gave them my card. I made some more phone follow up later in the afternoon.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 23 - Results

Prior to today's conference call with Ginny and Jacki, I made 15 follow up calls to businesses I have sent my e-mails to. I was able to make 2 appointments for Thursday.

About 3 people didn't have a chance to watch the video and the rest I was not able to talk to because they are either busy or not in their store.

I was able to talk to Brad, owner of Mantis Graphics and he was able to watch the video. He still have some questions so I have to call him again or meet him at his office next week.

During the conference call, Ginny and Jacki suggested a script to tell prospects who has no time to look because they are busy for the Holidays. Ginny also announced that the requirement of getting 5 contacts a day is being suspended for the moment until Jan 5.

The intention is for all of us to be able to follow those on our list.

For the rest of the day, I still went to get my 5 (in fact for the day, I got 8!). I was just lucky that 2 business I called and left a message, called me and set up an appointment.

I also got an e-mail for an out of town non profit whom I sent a proposal. They are interested in what they have to offer and will set up a conference call.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What to say When somebody say NO

Aletha's Blog Post last Friday, Dec. 12, about talking to somebody who is not sure or said NO.

When you ask " Were you able to watch the entire presentation?" and a reply "Well no... "

You can reply "Since you are not interested (or not sure) can I ask you a few question?". The answer more often than not is YES.

Ask "..will you be buying gasoline, groceries or toilet paper?" The reply most is "Well, of course" Then ask, "Well, do you know 5 people that will be buying gasoline, groceries and toilet paper?" "Sure" is the reply. Then tell him/her "OH!... well you already have it made! You get paid to pay your bills and buy your groceries and such. When 5 of your friends do the same, you can have an income coming in!".

Even if you make a measly $50 per month from My Power Mall, wouldn't that help? Fifty bucks can help you pay off your phone bill, water bill, whatever...The point is, extra cash flow helps! Am I right?

Day 22 - Start of a Week 4

At this morning's call Ginny again emphasized the importance of follow up making it a priority for the next few days. Most WCM Reality Boot Camp have accumulated between 50-70 leads that must be developed.

I tried to hit the 3 places that have a high priority for signing: the library, Mt. Tom's Ice Cream House and Mary Ann Hanlon's Dance Store. The director at the library was not there but I talked to all the librarians who was very excited about teaming up with My Power Mall.

Mary Ann Hanlon has seen the video but has not decided to sign up. At Mt. Tom's, Jim the manager was busy when I came and have no time to talk.

I went to the schools again to talk to the Athletic Directors regarding raising funds for the booster clubs. They asked me to come back to answer some questions.

During my trip over the weekend at New Jersey, I met some people who are also involved in non profit. One is from Virginia and the other from California. I will be in touch with them to explore fundraising possibilities for non profits they are involved with.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day 21 and End of Week 3

It's day 21 and the end of Week 3. I just arrived from a very busy weekend in New Jersey. Although, it is not required, I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. I would have wanted to blog everyday so I can make a journal of everything that is happenning (this is a 24/7 business right? lol).

Although, they will not be local, I made contact and got info from the people I met while in New Jersey. I will probably not include all in my official leads, but they will definitely be my leads even after the WC Reality boot camp.

It's the end of week 3 and I still have no signup but have several with good prospects. I will follow them up aggressively next week.

I have 66 contacts on my list at the end of this week.